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B-Sides, Rarities and Unreleased Tracks
75 Minutes - 0W, 0M
Bear Skin Rug Burns
On The Floor
The Cranks
All About Art
Chance Meetings
Downstairs at Quantico
Everybody Has Brown Hair
George and the Evil Bastard
Lava Floor
Sounds Like Teen Spirit
The Zombie Aesthete
Elvis at Stuckey's
Minor Disagreement
Slap Happy
Bipolar by Thursday
75 Minutes - 0W, 0M
Downstairs at Quantico
Executive Secretary
Chance Meetings
The Cheese
The Caveman
Sister Lola
Corn Pads
Fifty Bucks
The Backup Singers
The Stripper
The Spaceship
The Beauty Pageant
The Eskimos
Georgia Robbed A Bank
The Flashlights
Two Women In Bed
The Songwriter
The Bland Man
The Left One
Round Peg
The Go-Go Dancer
Existential Angst
75 Minutes - 0W, 0M
The Stripper
Existential Angst
The Caveman
The Left One
Executive Secretary
Round Peg
The Songwriter
Deep In The Rotunda
The Four And A Half Minute All-Cliché Murder Mystery
The Cheese
Minor Disagreement
Downstairs at Quantico
George and The Evil Bastard
Sexually Impaired
The Eskimos
Slap Happy
Tragic Opening Number
Slap Happy (And Other Short Plays)
70 Minutes - 0W, 0M
Executive Secretary
Chance Meetings
All About Art
George and The Evil Bastard
Minor Disagreement
On The Floor
Round Peg
She Licks His Face in the End
Existential Angst
The Songwriter
Slap Happy
The Stripper
The Cranks
Skank by Proxy
Downstairs at Quantico